
I dreamt I met who in the morning light I can only assume to be Albertine. I was on a tube, heading far out into the East. A girl, initially there with her family, and then heading to do a job at a museum, had some kind of game. She invited me to play, but I declined. The pieces were such that they could be scattered all over the floor, as they were. I helped her pick them up. We began to talk. The train came to a station and we got out, still talking. I wrote my number on the box of the game. The station had a kind of foyer, where I collected my bags and changed my jacket. I had several jackets to choose from. The girl had gone through to the other side. I hoped to meet her there. I was faffing, unable to choose a jacket. Suddenly the shutters started coming down on the foyer. I rushed as fast as possible to get out, but it was too late. The shutters slammed closed. Did it open again, before I woke up, or was it still shut? I cannot tell for sure. The next thing I was awake on a Wednesday morning.

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